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Naica® Six-channel Droplet Digital PCR System

Naica® Six-channel Droplet Digital PCR System

Naica® six-channel droplet digital PCR system from Stilla technologies in France is based on crystal droplet digital PCR technology. It automates droplet generation and amplification. Each sample well can detect 6 fluorescent channels, intelligently identify droplets and perform quality control. The absolute copy number concentration of at least 6 target genes can be obtained within 3 hours. It combines the advantages of traditional droplet and chip types and is known as the next generation of digital PCR technology.

Naica® six-channel droplet digital PCR system has 6 independent detection channels and is compatible with a variety of fluorescent dyes (FAM, ROX, Cy®5, YY®Atto 550, Cy®5.5, etc.). It can perform at least six target gene quantitative detections in up to 6 color fluorescent channels, ensuring that more genetic information is obtained from limited biological samples, saving your time and precious samples. It is also equipped with powerful analysis software, designed to provide unparalleled reliability and accuracy for digital PCR detection.


Naica® six-channel droplet digital PCR system from Stilla Technologies of France does not require standards and standard curves and is a true absolute quantitative system. Through limited dilution of the template, it has strong tolerance to inhibitors and is more conducive to the detection of complex samples such as clinical and environmental samples. Compared with qPCR, it has better sensitivity and better resolution, and can effectively achieve accurate quantification of low-concentration and low-abundance nucleic acid samples.

Stilla Technologies is the world's leading supplier of droplet-based microfluidic equipment. Its core patent is Crystal droplet technology, which can quickly, stably and spontaneously generate nano-scale droplets in microfluidic chips to form a single-layer 2D droplet matrix, improving the heat conduction efficiency of the droplets, quickly and uniformly.

Work Process

With just one pipetting operation,  PCR reaction solution is loaded onto the innovative microfluidic chip. The naica® six-channel droplet chip digital PCR system can automatically generate a single-layer tiled 2D droplet array. Subsequently, each droplet is subjected to PCR amplification with uniform temperature, and six-channel fluorescence signal collection is performed to count the positive and negative droplets, and the absolute copy number concentration of the target gene is calculated through Poisson distribution.


Core technology carrier

Sapphire high sensitivity chip

4 samples/chip
1-3 chips can be tested simultaneously, that is, 1-12 samples can be tested

Ruby High-Throughput Chip

6 samples/chip
1-3 chips can be tested simultaneously, that is, 1-48 samples can be tested


⚫ Only one step of sample addition is required, and the process can be completed in 5 minutes

⚫ Provide original results, achieve quality control and visual traceability

⚫ Flexible throughput, can complete 1-48 samples

⚫ Closed chip design to avoid aerosol contamination

⚫ Multi-channel detection, saving costs

Crystal Miner automatic intelligent visualization software

Naica® six-channel droplet digital PCR system automatically analyzes with one button, completes data analysis in 5 minutes, and the wizard-style Crystal Miner software directly obtains the target gene copy number concentration.
⚫ Automatic visual quality control, uniform analysis of droplets
⚫ Flexible threshold setting, automatic and manual modes
⚫ High-level diversified analysis to cope with complex data results
⚫ Analysis can save templates to quickly complete data analysis

Application Areas

Digital PCR is widely used in more and more molecular biology analyses and is recognized as a reliable tool for low-frequency events, rare mutations, genotyping, absolute quantification, and copy number variation analysis.
